St. Gregorios Indian Orthodox Church
1252 East Aurora Rd., Macedonia, Ohio 44056
St. Gregorios Indian Orthodox Church is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, non-profit organization.
Your giving is an act of worship and makes possible the ministry of changing lives, transforming communities and renewing the Church. In addition to the Sunday offerings, there are many ways to give:
By Mail
Donations and other offertory contributions may be sent by postal mail to:
St. Gregorios Malankara (Indian) Orthodox Church
1252 E. Aurora Rd, Macedonia, OH 44056
Please mention any specific purposes for the contribution in the memo or simply write ‘Contribution’ and funds will be designated for the needed purposes.
You may authorize fund transfers from your PayPal account or credit card by following the donations link on this page. The link is provided to securely take you to Paypal and make a contribution to our church.